Catalytic Distillation Column
The conventional technology of production Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) from Propylene is direct hydration and indirect hydration of propylene. Separation of IPA from the azeotropic mixture need list of distillation columns and high steam consumptions. In recent years, much research has been paid to by innovation, effective and simple method for production Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) from Propylene – catalytic (reactive) distillation. The catalytic distillation column comprises the processes of heterogeneous catalytic reaction and multistage distillation is carried out simultaneously in one unit. In this case, we have reduced of capital and operation cost, because the number of process equipment is considerably reducing.
The key benefits of cyclic distillation in comparison with the stationary process is control of the reaction time, and increase in performance of the distillation column by minimizing the flow resistance in the cross-flow of liquid from the tray on a tray (single-phase fluid flow). The catalyst can be placed between the trays in a boiling layer.
Maleta cyclic distillation LLC propose pilot plant and industry solution for getting high purity IPA (99.9 % vol.) as final product. Our solution is basis at innovation technology cyclic catalytic (reactive) distillation column. As result you will get a completely new, highly effective technology and your company can take a leading position in the IPA market. Our service included pilot plant testing, design, equipment, installation, construction service, start-up, post-guaranty service.