Monday, 16 February 2015

Demethanl column in production ethanol food grade

At the ethanol plant that production ethanol food grade, with capacity 30 000 liters per day was problem with methanol content in final product (high methanol levels). Maleta cyclic distillation LLC proposes to install addition high efficiency column in cyclic mode for concentration methanol less than 5 ppm in the final product. 

Column feed is unpasteurized ethanol from rectification column (ethanol distillation column) in the amount 7…10 % of plant capacity. Steam consumption of cyclic methanol column is about 0.5 kg / L of input ethanol. The bottom liquid from methanol distillation column goes as additional feed to rectification column (ethanol distillation column), and the concentrate in the amount of 0.2…0.3 % remove like waste.

The additional cyclic methanol column has next characteristic: column diameter 400mm, number of Maleta distillation trays 15psc. The stripping section of distillation column consists of 9 distillation trays - the concentration section of 6 distillation trays.

The final results of reconstruction are: the concentration methanol is less than 5 ppm in the final product; reduces of content of aldehydes in ethanol food grade; increases the oxidation of ethanol food grade; improves the organoleptic characteristics of ethanol food grade.

Friday, 13 February 2015

Catalytic Cyclic Distillation Column for production Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) from Propylene

Catalytic Distillation Column

The conventional technology of production Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) from Propylene is direct hydration and indirect hydration of propylene. Separation of IPA from the azeotropic mixture need list of distillation columns and high steam consumptions. In recent years, much research has been paid to by innovation, effective and simple method for production Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) from Propylene – catalytic (reactive) distillation. The catalytic distillation column comprises the processes of heterogeneous catalytic reaction and multistage distillation is carried out simultaneously in one unit. In this case, we have reduced of capital and operation cost, because the number of process equipment is considerably reducing.

Cyclic Distillation ColumnThe key benefits of cyclic distillation in comparison with the stationary process is control of the reaction time, and increase in performance of the distillation column by minimizing the flow resistance in the cross-flow of liquid from the tray on a tray (single-phase fluid flow). The catalyst can be placed between the trays in a boiling layer.

Maleta cyclic distillation LLC propose pilot plant and industry solution for getting high purity IPA (99.9 % vol.) as final product. Our solution is basis at innovation technology cyclic catalytic (reactive) distillation column. As result you will get a completely new, highly effective technology and your company can take a leading position in the IPA market. Our service included pilot plant testing, design, equipment, installation, construction service, start-up, post-guaranty service.



Conditions of realization cyclic mass transfer expressed two postulates: lack of outflow of liquids to the trays vapor admission; lack of mixing of liquids in adjacent trays upon outflow of liquid. This method of interaction phases increase in efficiency mass transfer as compared to the standard process.

The method interaction phases in the distillation column can be as follows: discrete feed of liquid and vapor; continuous supply of liquid and discrete steam; constant supply of fluid and continuous steam. These conditions can be achieved at both the distillation column and the level distillation trays.

First stage of development of column internals for cyclic mass transfer was by external mechanical drives that are associated with elements of thrust trays. Pilot scale development and research of this solution has led to the establishment of individual actuators on each tray. In this case we have alternately devastation (overflow) distillation trays from bottom to top of distillation column, by changing the free sectional trays. Unfortunately, this method has not received industrial implementation.

In the second stage of development for liquid overflow on the distillation tray began to use the kinetic energy of motion of vapor in the distillation column.

In case of cyclic steam flow, the steam flow acts as a control of liquid flows in the distillation column. The main element of such distillation trays are sluice chambers and valves. In this case, the liquid flow (feed, reflux, distillate and bottom product) moves in a continuous mode. Cyclic mass transfer operation consisting of two key parts: vapor flows goes through the distillation column and the stationary liquid stays on the trays, and this is called the vapor flow period, while the liquid flow period arises when vapor flow is stopped and the liquid holdup in sluice chambers, the vapor flow period starts and liquid from sluice chambers falls into the tray below. The design of Maleta distillation trays and two key parts of interactions you can see at the picture. Today, Maleta distillation trays works in stripping column, rectification column and tray dividing wall columns with a diameter ranging from 400 to 1700 mm.

All of the methods and design of a cyclic mass transfer operation has its advantages and disadvantages and can be used in industrial process, depending on the tasks for increasing mass transfer efficiency in distillation column.